Financial Market


    Financial Market

Q 1:- What is financial market?
Ans:-  Financial market refer to the institutional arrangements for dealing in financial assets and credit instruments of different types such as currency cheques, bank deposit, bills, bonds etc. Thus, the financial market is a market for creation and exchange of financial assets. It is an open market.
Q 2:- What are the main functions of financial Market?
Ans:- The main functions of the financial market are:-
  •         I.            Mobilisation of saving and channelising them into most productive way.
  •       II.            To facilitate creation and allocation of credit and liquidity.
  •     III.            To provide financial convenience to lenders and borrowers.
  •     IV.            Provide better portfolio management.
  •       V.            Reduce the cost of transaction.

Q 3:- What are the two types or forms of financial market?
Ans:- The financial markets are broadly divided into two categories:-
        I.            Money Market.
      II.            Capital Market.
 Q  4:- What is money market?
Ans:- Money market deals in short term funds. It is the centre where short term money assets are purchased and sold. It may be defined as the centre for dealing in monetary assets.
       The term money market does not refer to a particular place or a bazaar. The transaction of money market may also be carried out by telephone mail, letter etc.
Q 5:- State the main Drawbacks of the Indian money market?
Ans:- Following are the drawbacks of Indian money market:-
        I.            Lack of co-ordination :-  The Indian money market may be characterized as loose and unbalanced because there existence, no co-ordination between the organized and unorganized sectors.
      II.            No banker’s acceptance:- There is no development of banker’s acceptance or acceptance of credit by the banks in India.
    III.            Inadequate control by the RBI:- The RBI has inadequate control over the functioning of the unorganized sector of the Indian money market.
   IV.            Insufficient funds or resources:- The Indian economy with its seasonal structure, face frequent shortage of financial resource. Lower income, lower saving and lack of banking habits among people.
Q 6:- what are the features of Indian money market?
Ans:-   The following are the features of Indian money market :
        I.            Dichotomy:- Indian money market is divided into two sector, organized and    unorganized sectors. There are very little co-operation between them.
      II.            Seasonal variations:- In Indian money market, there are two seasons on the basis        of demand of fund i.e. the busy season and slack season.
  III.            Inter-call money market:- Another important features of Indian money market is   the inter call money market. It is the most sensitive sector and core of the Indian money market. 
   IV.            Variety of financial institution:- Indian money market is its  presence in a large number of financial institution such as non- banking financial intermediaries, cooperative banks, export-import banks and saving banks etc.
     V.            Isolation from foreign money market:- The Indian money market is isolated from foreign markets.
Q 7:- Explain the differences between money market and capital market?
Ans:-  The differences between money market and capital market are as follows:
Basis Of Difference
           MONEY  MARKET
        I.            Period 
Money market is short term duration. It is 1 day to 365 days.
Capital market is long term duration. It is more than one year.
      II.            Instruments
Trade bills, treasury bills, commercial papers are the instruments of money market.
The instruments of capital market are shares, bonds, debentures etc.
    III.            Transaction time
It needs very little period to complete a transaction.
It needs a long period to complete a transaction.
   IV.            Degree of risk
The degree of risk involved very low.
The degree of risk involved is very high.
     V.            Constituents
Call money market, bill market and discounting market are the constituents of money market.
New issue market, stock market, stock brokers are the constituents of capital market.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Q 8:- What is capital market?
Ans:-  Capital market is the centre for dealing in long term fund. In capital market, borrowed and lent for a long period i.e. more than one year.
Q 9:- Discuss the feature of capital market?
Ans:- The main feature of capital market are:
     I.            Dealing in securities:- Capital market deals in long term marketable securities and non-marketable securities. Marketable securities include share, bonds, debentures issue by company etc. and non-marketable securities includes term deposits with bank and companies, loan and advances of bank and financial institution to industrial organization etc.
   II.            Investors:- Capital market includes both individual investors and institutional investors.
 III.            Segments:- The capital market includes both primary and secondary market. Primary market is meant for issue of fresh capita and secondary market facilitates buying and selling of second hand securities.
IV.            Intermediaries:- Capital market function through intermediaries, such as underwriters, bankers, stock brokers etc.
  V.            Flow of capital:- capital market facilitates flow of capital from those who supply capital to those who demand capita.
 Q10:- What is primary capital market?
Ans:- Primary market is also known as new issue market . Primary market is the market where new securities shares, bonds, debentures are sold or purchased for the first time.
Q11:- What is foreign exchange market?
Ans:-  The market in which different currencies are bought and sold for one another is called foreign exchange market. In other words foreign exchange market is a market in which foreign exchange transaction take place. This market is a vehicle that makes possible the exchange     different national currencies. The basic purpose of foreign exchange market is to facilitate international trade and investment.
Q12:- What are the two types of foreign exchange market?
Ans:-  The two types foreign exchange market are:-
        I.            Retail Market:- In this foreign exchange market the individuals and firms who require foreign currency can buy it and those who have acquired foreign currency can sell it.
      II.            Inter Bank Market:- This market serves to smoothen the excessive purchase on sales made by individual banks. At times the quality of foreign exchange supplied exceeds the quantity demanded or vice versa.
Q13:- What is a stock exchange? Write the features of stock exchange?
Ans:- Stock Exchange are organized and regulated market for various securities issued by corporate sector and other institution .The stock exchange is a market which deals shares, bonds and debentures. As per this definition stock exchange are organized place where securities are purchased and sold. The following are the features / nature / character of stock exchange:-
                    I.            It is a place where securities are purchased and sold.
                  II.            Stock exchange is run by an association of person, organization or body of individual.                                                                                                                                      
                III.            Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), regulates the operation of stock exchange.

                IV.            The trading in a stock exchange is strictly regulated by rules and regulations prescribed for various transactions.
                  V.            The purpose of stock exchange is to assist and regulate the buying and selling of securities.  
Q14:- Describe the functions of stock exchange?
Ans:-  The stock exchange play an important role in the economic development of a country. The important functions of stock exchange are discussed as follows:                                                                                                                                           
        I.            Ensure liquidity of capital:- Stock Exchange provides a nearly market where investors can convert their money into securities and securities into money easily and quickly.
      II.            Continuous market for securities:- The stock exchange provides a ready market for securities. The securities once listed continue to be traded at the exchanges irrespective of the fact that owners go on changing.
    III.            Safety in dealing:- The dealing in stock exchange are governed by well- defined rules and regulations of securities contract (regulation) act, 1956. There is no scope for manipulating transaction.
    IV.            Listing of securities:- only listed securities can be purchased at stock exchange. Every company desirous of listing its securities will apply to the exchange authorities. The listing is allowed only after a critical examination of capital structure, management and prospects of the company.
      V.            Clearing house of business information:- The companies listing securities with exchanges have to provide financial statement, annual reports and other reports to ensure maximum publicity of corporation operation and working.

Q 15:- What do you mean by Non- Bank Financial Institution (NBFI)?
Ans:- A Non- bank financial institution is a financial institution that does not have a full banking license or is not supervised by a national or international banking regulatory agency.

Q 16:- Discuss the main feature of NBFI?
Ans:- The main features of NBFI are:
        I.            NBFI accept deposits, repayable on the expiry of specified time and certain NBFI receive funds from governments.
      II.            The method of mobilizing saving of NBFI and banks are different.
    III.            NBFI deals with medium and long-term funds in the capital market.
    IV.             People invest their surplus fund with NBFI for earning income rather than safety and liquidity.
      V.             NBFI supply term finance for acquiring fixed assets.
    VI.            NBFI are regulated by their special statutes.
  VII.            The NBFI promised higher return to their investors to attract more funds and hence their cost of raising funds in high.
Q 17:- Distinguish between commercial bank and non-banking financial institution ?
Ans:- The followings are the difference between commercial bank and non-banking financial institution:-

Basis of difference

Commercial bank

Non-banking financial institution

The deposits accepted by the banks are mostly repay-able on demand.
NBFI accepts deposits repay-able on the expiry of fixed period of time

The main sources of bank’s funds are deposits through different deposits accounts.
NBFI generally raise funds by selling securities and they do not provide deposit accounts facilities.

There is cheque system, ATM facilities in case of banks.
There is neither cheque system nor ATM facilities in case of NBFI for withdrew of deposits.

Banks have the power to create money in the process of lending.
NBFI cannot create money.

Bank operate in the money market and are concerned mainly with short term borrowing and lending of funds
NBFI operate mainly is capital market and deals with medium and long term fund.

Q 18:- What is new issue market or primary market?
Ans:- Primary capital market also known as new issue market, is the market in which new securities are sold for the first time.
Q 19:- What is secondary market?
Ans:- Secondary capital market deals in second hand securities or existing securities. It deals in existing securities like shares, bonds, debentures etc.

Q 20:- Mention any two Non-Banking Institution operating in India? (HS 2006, 2010, 2017)
        I.            Development Finance Institution and
      II.            Investment Institution.
Q 21:- Mention the two instrument of money market?
        I.            Trade bill
      II.            Treasury bill and
    III.            Commercial paper.
Q 22:- Mention the two instrument of capital market?
        I.            Shares
      II.            Bonds and
    III.            Debentures.
Q 23:- Mention the two composition or constituents of money market and capital market?
Ans:- Composition of money market:
        I.            Call money market and
      II.            Loan market.
Composition of capital market:
        I.            New issue market and
      II.             Stock market.
Q 24:- Mention the name of any stock exchange in India?
        I.            Delhi stock exchange and
        I.            Guwahati stock exchange.
Q 25:- State any two institution of Indian money market?
I.                    RBI and II. Commercial bank.
Q 26:- What are the two sectors of Indian money markets? (2006)
        I.            Organized sectors and
      II.            Unorganised sectors.
Q 27:- What are the main submarkets of financial market?
     I.            Money market and
   II.            Capital market
Q 28:- Money market is the market for short term funds (true or false)?
Ans:- True.
Q 29:- Capital market is the market for long-term funds (true or false)?
Ans:- True.
Q 30:- Full form of NBFI and OTCEI?
        I.            NBFI: Non Banking Financial Institution and
      II.            OTCEI: Over The Counter Exchange of India.

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