Q.1. What do you mean by audience analysis? Explain the importance of audience analysis in the communication process?       VVVI
Q.2. What do you understand the term communication? Briefly describe the process/forms of communication?      VVVI
Q.3. what is formal and informal communication? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
Q.4. Distinguish between communication and effective communication? In what ways can communication be made effective?        VVVI
Q.5. What are the different types of business communication? How can there be better communication in an organization?
Q.6. What is feedback? What are important feedbacks in the communication process?

Write short-note on:-
        i.            David Berlo model of communication.
      ii.            Shannon and weaver model
Q.1. Explain briefly the various forms of internal and external corporate communication?   VVVI
Q.2. Discuss briefly and for barriers of communication? How can the barriers to be overcome?    VVVVI
Q.3. Briefly enumerates five semantic barriers and six psychological barriers to communication?    VVVI
Q.4. What is corporate communication? Discuss its various types?
Q.5. Discuss briefly the communication network of modern business organization?    VVVI
Q.6.What is corporate communication? What are its themes?
Q.7. identify and list the sender-oriented barriers to communication? What strategies would a communicator adopt for overcoming these barriers?
Q.1. Describe the listening process in details? How can you be a good listener?   VVVI
Q.2. What are the ten communication of good speaking?    VVVI
Q.3. What is presentation? What is sales presentation? What are the various types of presentation?
Q.4. What is the importance of listening skills in a business organization? How are these skills useful in dealing with customers complaints?     VVVI
Q.5. What are the objective of presentation? What skill are3 necessary to develops an effective presentation?
Q.6. Describe various kinds of speech? Do you agree with the assumption that a strong ending or conclusion is essential for an effective speech? Give reason in support of your answer.
Q.7. Difference between “a speech” and “a presentation”? Write briefly about the characteristics of good speech. VVI
Write short-note on:-
        i.            Seminar
      ii.            What qualities of candidate are evaluated through group discussion?
    iii.            List for essential conditions for effective listening.

Q.1. Case questions on MEMO or LETTER.  VVVI
Q.2. What is memo? What are the advantages and disadvantages of memo? How to write effective memo?
Q.3. What are the stages in writing a business letter? What are the essential qualities of a good business letter?  VVVI
What is memo? For what purpose are memo used? You are the managing director of ABC limited. Draft a memo to the customer relation officer fort not attending to a customer complaint. VVVI
Q.4. What do you mean by a “Request letter”? What are the essential components of memo?

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