Q.1. (a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word:            1x4=4
          i.            Income and expenditure accounts records transaction of_________ nature.
        ii.            On admission, unrecorded assets brought into accounts are credited to                 accounts.
      iii.            A company can issue shares at a discount only if at least ______year has elapsed since the company became entitled to commence the business.
      iv.            When Partner’s Capital Accounts are fixed, their _______ Accounts are prepared.
    (B) Chose the correct alternatives:      1x2= 2
        i.            Subscription received in advance is treated as:
(a)   An income  (b) An asset  (c) A liability  (d) Capital
        i.            Rate of Interest on calls in arrears charged according to Table ‘A’ is _____
(a)   12% (b) 6% (c) 10% (d) 8%
   (C) State whether the following statements are true or false.   1x2= 2
        i.            Dissolution of firm and dissolution of partnership are two legal concepts.
      ii.            Profit on revaluation of assets and a liability is shared by the old partners in gaining ratio.
Q.2. Give two grounds on which a court may dissolve a firm.    2
Q.3. What is meant by ‘Gaining ratio’ on retirement of a partner?       2
Q.4. What is meant by ‘Loss on issue of debenture’?       2
Q.5. What are the sources of Cash Flows as per AS-3 (Revised)?           3
Q.6. What do you mean by Ratio Analysis?           2
Q.7. Mention three features of Receipts and payment accounts?     3
Q.8. Mention any two methods of valuation of goodwill?     2
Q.9. Write three points of distinction between shares and debentures?    3
Q.10. Akash Rajnish and Subham are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 2:2:1. Subham retires. Akash and Rajnish have decided to share future profits and losses in the ratio of 2:1. Calculate the gaining ratio. 2
Q.11. Rohit and Mohit are partners sharing profits in the ratio 3: 2. Chandan is admitted as a new partner for 1/5th share in the future profits. Calculate the new profit sharing ratio. 2
Q.12. X Ltd. Decided to forfeit 1,000 shares of Rs. 10 each for non-payment of allotment money for Rs. 4 each and 1st and final call money of Rs. 3 each. Give journal entry for the forfeiture of shares.                        2
Q.13. The Indian Cricket club had a cash balance of Rs.520 and a Bank balance of Rs.980 on 1.4.2017. From the following details, prepare a Receipts and Payments account for the year ended 31.03.2018                5
Q. What is income and Expenditure accounts? What are its Features?        5
Q.14. From the given information, calculate the stock Turnover Ratio:                   5
Sales                                                    =          Rs. 4,50,000
Gross Profit Ratio                                =                      25%
Opening Stock was 1/3rd of the value of the Closing stock.
Closing Stock was 30% of Sales.
Q.15. Calculate cash flow from operating activities by indirect method from the following details:      5
For the year ending 31st march 2018

Q. 16. Sony Ltd issued 1000 12% Debentures of Rs.100 each. Give Journal Entries for issue and redemption of debentures in the books of the company under the following situations:                                                     8
Q.What is Cash Flow statement? Briefly explain any four objectives of preparing a Cash Flow statement.                 1+4=5
        i.            Issued at 5% Discount and redeemable after 5 years at a premium 5%.
      ii.            Issued at Par and redeemable after 5 years at a premium of 5%.
    iii.            Issued at a premium of 5% and redeemable after 5 years at par.
     iv.            Issued at a premium of 5% and redeemable after 5 years at a premium of 10%.
Q. What is meant by redemption of debenture? State any three method of redemption of debenture. 2+3=5
Q.17. Name the major heading under which the liabilities side of a company’s Balance sheet is organized and presented?                       5
Q.18. Neha and krity are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3: 2 respectively. The Trial Balance of the firm as on 31st March, 2018 was as follows:

Prepare a Profit & Loss Account and a Profit & Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018 and also a Balance Sheet as on that date after taking into consideration the following adjustments:
        i.            Outstanding salary Rs. 350;
      ii.            Provision for doubtful debts to be maintained at 3% of Debtors;
    iii.            Allow interest on capital @ 5% per annum; and
     iv.            Krity was to receive salary of Rs. 250 per month.                               8
Q.19. Ankita publications Ltd. issue 3000 shares of Rs 10 each payable as follow:               8
           On Application Rs. 2
           On Allotment Rs. 3
           On first call Rs. 2
           On Final call (Balance)
3200 shares were applied for, application for 3000 was accepted by the Directors and the balance applications were rejected and money returned. Mr. Shyam holding 500 Shares Failed to pay the first call money. After that these shares were subsequently forfeited. Pass journal entries in the books of the company for the above transaction.
Q. What do you mean by ‘forfeiture of shares’? Discuss the procedure of forfeiture of share and re-issue of such shares.
Q.20. Rakesh and Anip are partners sharing profit and losses as 3 : 2. They agreed to dissolve their firm. On the date of dissolution, they have following Balance sheet:     8

Firm was dissolve Rakesh took over patent at 8000 and assumed his wife loan.
Assets realized as follows:-
Stock Rs. 1000 less; Furniture Rs.500 more than book value; Debtors Rs. 18500 and plant Rs. 25000. Dissolution expenses Rs.600. Creditors accepted 2.5% discount. You are required to pass the necessary journal entry.
Q. What do you mean by Dissolution of a firm? Mention Difference between dissolution of a firm and partnership.                           2+6=8
Q.21. The Balance Sheet of Pankaj, Mayank and Rohan who were sharing profits in proportion to their capital stood as follows on 31st March, 2018:
Mayank retired on the above date on the following terms and conditions:
        i.            That Inventory be depreciated by Rs. 1,000
      ii.            That Machinery be appreciated by 20%.
Pass the necessary journal entries and prepare the opening Balance Sheet of the new firm.         5
Q. What are the Different between shares and debentures?      5
Q.22. M, N and O were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 5:3:2 Their Balance Sheet as on 31/03/18 was as follows:

M died on 30/09/2018. Under the agreement, the executors of the deceased partner were entitled to:
a)      Patents be valued at Rs. 8000, Machinery at Rs. 28000 and building at Rs. 25000.
b)      Interest on capital at 10% per annum.
c)      Share of goodwill on the basis of 2.5 year’s purchase of the average profit of last four years.
d)      Share of profit from closing of the last financial year to the date of death on the basis of last year’s profit.
e)      Half of the amount due to A be paid immediately and remaining transfer to loan a/c.
f)       Profits for the last four years were:
Prepare M’s capital Account & M’s Executor a/c.                             5
Q. What is partnership Deed? Mention its four principal clauses?      5
Q.23. A and B are two partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3: 2. Their Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2015 was as follows:
On 01-4-2015, C was admitted as a new partner for 1/4th share in the future profits on the following conditions:
a)      C will bring Rs. 20,000/- as Capital and Rs. 6,000/- as premium for goodwill.
b)      The Land & Buildings will be revalued at Rs. 35,000.
c)      Plant & Machinery and Furniture will be depreciated by 5% and 10% respectively.
d)      Stock will be reduced by Rs. 2,000.
Give Journal entries and prepare the Balance Sheet of the firm after C’s admission.         5
Q. Distinguish between equity share and preference shares giving five points of difference?

                                          BEST OF LUCK MY DEAR STUDENT
                                                              FOR YOUR
                                     AHSEC FINAL EXAM ON 12TH FEB 2019

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