The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the question

1. Answer as directed:                                                            1x10=10
a)      In which year fourteen Indian commercial banks were nationalized?     1969
b)      What do you mean by scheduled bank?  
c)      Define Hundi.
d)      The Reserve Bank of India was established in the year 1935 (Fill in the gap)
e)      NABARD was established in the year 1982/1985/1987. (Choose the correct year)
f)       Write the full form of IFCI.  Industrial finance corporation of India
g)      What is post-dated cheque?
h)      Money market is the market for short-term funds. (State whether True or False)  Ans: True
i)        Lead Bank scheme was introduced in the year 1969 (Fill in the gap)
j)        What is foreign exchange market?
2. What is bank rate?                                                                                      2
3. Give two examples of public sector bank.                                                  2
4. Who can cross a cheque?                                                                           2
5. Name any two departments of the Reserve Bank of India.                       2
6. State any two functions of stock exchange.                                               2
7. State the meaning of Development Bank.                                                             2
8. Write a short note on Presidency Bank.                                                     3
9. What are the essentials of valid endorsement?                                         3
10. Write a short note on Mortgage.                                                                         3
11. State any three important differences between bill of exchange and Cheque.              3
12. Explain the meaning of ‘Non-Banking Financial Institution’ with illustration.                 3
13. What are the advantages of branch banking system?                                                     3
14. Draw specimens of different types of crossing of cheque.                                              3
15. Explain General Utility Services of a Bank.                                                                      3
16. Discuss briefly what is meant by ‘Payment is due course’.                                              5
17. Give an account of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.         5
18. Discuss the principles followed by the commercial banks in granting loans and advances.      5
19. What are the differences between Money Market and Capital Market?                                   5
20. Briefly mention the duties and responsibilities of a collecting banker.                                      5
21. Discuss about the institutions participating in the Indian Money Market.                                  5
22. (a) Give the meaning of liquidity. State the factors that affect cash reserve of commercial bank.2+6=8
(b) Explain the term ‘cash reserve’ and ‘cash credit’.
23. What are the different forms of crossing? Explain the significance of general crossing and special crossing. 2+6=8
24. (a) Explain briefly about the different credit control techniques adopted by the RBI.               8
(b) Write a brief note on the State Bank of India.                              8

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the question

1. Answer as directed:                                                                                                            1x8=
a)      In which year State Bank of India was established?         1955Who issues one rupee notes?     
b)      What do you mean by unit banking?
c)      Define promissory note.
d)      IMF was established in the year 1944 / 1945 / 1946 (choose the correct year)
e)       Write the full form of MMMFs.
f)      What is order cheque?
g)     Capital Market is the market for long term funds. (State whether true or false)    Ans: True
2. Give the meaning of Cash Reserve Ratio.                                                                      2
3. Name two private sector banks in India.                                                                                    2
4. What do you mean by stock exchange?                                                                                     2
5. What is Mutual Fund?                                                                                                                 2
6. Who is a paying banker?                                                                                                            2
7. What are the different types of financial market?                                                                    3
8. Write short notes on Hypothecation.                                                                                         3
9. State any three differences between bill of exchange and Promissory Note.                           3
10. State three objectives of Bank nationalisation in India.                                                           3
11. Draw a specimen copy of bill of exchange.                                                                             3
12. Write a short note on Imperial Bank.                                                                                       5
13. Discuss the main functions of Development Banks.                                                                 5
14. Briefly explain the agency services of a commercial bank.                                                    5
15. Discuss about the institutions participating in India money market.                                       5
16. State five objectives of IMF.                                                                                                     5
17. Explain the circumstances under which a bank can dishonour cheque.                                  5
18. Discuss the principles of sound lending to be followed by commercial bank.                        5
19. What is Negotiable Instrument? What are the essential characteristics of negotiable instrument? 2+6=8
20. Explain the traditional functions Reserve Bank of India.                                             8
21. What is Lead Bank Scheme? State the effects of this scheme.                           2+6= 8
22. Discuss the functions of Public Sector Bank in India.                                                  8             

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the question

1. Answer as directed:                                    1x8=8
a)      In which year the Imperial bank was established?
b)      Where is the head office of the Reserve bank of India?
c)      What is primary market?
d)      Write the full form of NABARD.
e)      The board of directors of Reserve Bank of India consists of ______ members. (Fill in the blank
f)       What is overdraft?
g)      The first development bank established in India was IFCI/IDBI/UTI/NABARD. (Choose the correct answer)
h)      Give an example of material alteration of cheque.
2. Define a cheque according to Section 6 of the Negotiable Instruments Act.                    2
3. State the minimum reserve system of note issue.                         2
4. Define ‘holder in due course’.                                            2
5. What do you mean by SLR?                                                2
6. Who can cross a cheque?                                                    2
7. What are the main sub-markets of financial market?                               3
8. State any three differences between bill of exchange and cheque.          3
9. Draw a specimen copy of a cheque.                                  3
10. State the basic features of non-banking financial institutions.                 3
11. Write a brief not about capital market.                           3
12. Explain briefly the system of issuing currency notes by the Reserve Bank of India.       5
13. Discuss briefly the functions of stock exchange.                                      5
What are the differences between Money Market and Capital Market?
14. Briefly explain the utility services of commercial bank.                          5
Under what conditions banker must pay a cheque?
15. Explain the duties and responsibilities of a collecting banker.                            5
16. Differentiate between unit banking and branch banking.                       5
17. What are the objectives of World Bank?                                     5
18. Discuss the role and functions of non-banking financial institutions.               5
Discuss briefly about the different types of loans and advances granted by a commercial bank.
19. What do you mean by endorsement? Discuss the different forms of endorsement.                  2+6=8
What do you mean by crossing of cheque? Explain briefly about different types of crossing with suitable illustrations.                   8
20. Discuss how Reserve Bank of India controls money and credit in the economy.                        8
21. Explain the term ‘cash reserve’ and ‘cash credit’.                             4+4=8
Discuss the principles of sound investments followed by commercial banks.                                   8
22. Discuss briefly the functions of State Bank of India.                                8
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the question

1. Answer as directed:                                                                                                            1x8=8
   a)      What was the previous name of State Bank of India?
b b)      Which method is adopted by the Reserve Bank of India for issuing notes?
c c)      What is Mutual Fund?
d d)      The IMF came into existence in the year 1945. (Fill in the gap)
e e)      Write the full form of SIDC.
f  f)       Give an example of Negotiable instrument.
   g)      Governor of RBI is appointed for a period of 4/5/10 years. (Choose the correct answer)
   h)      What is bank rate?
2. Name any two Central banking functions performed by the State Bank of India.            2
3. What is full reserve system of note issue?                                                                         2
4. Name two sub-market of Indian money market.                                                               2
5. Who is collecting banker?                                                                                                  2
6. Define holder under sec-8 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881.                                 2
7. Briefly explain the agency services rendered by commercial banks.                               3
8. State the meaning of Non-Bank Financial Institutions with example.                               3
9. Write a brief note about stock exchange.                                                                          3
Write a brief note on Money Market.
10. State the conditions for dishonour of cheque.                                                                 3
Explain the meaning of the term ‘material alteration’ of cheque with illustrations.
11. State any three differences between promissory note and cheque.                               3
Draw a specimen copy of a promissory note.
12. What are the main objectives of International Monetary Fund?                                    5
13. Explain the five function of State Bank of India.                                                              5
Discuss the main objectives and achievements of bank nationalisation in India
14. Discuss about the institution participating in the Indian Money Market.                       5
     Discuss the objectives and functions of NABARD.
15. Who is a paying banker? State the precautions of banker should take before paying a cheque? 2+3=5
16. Differentiate between cheque and bank draft.                                                                5
17. Mention five features or characteristics of Indian Capital Market.                                5
18. Discuss the functions of Reserve Bank of India as banker for Government and commercial banks. 5
19. Discuss the evolution and growth of commercial banking in India.                                8
What is financial market? Mention the name of the various kinds of market. Explain any one of them. 2+2+4=8
20. What is Negotiable Instrument? What are essential characteristics of Negotiable Instrument?           2+6=8
Define Hundi. Discuss the different types of Hundi.
21. What is Lead Bank scheme? State the effects of this scheme.                            2+6=8
Discuss the principles of sound lending to be followed by commercial bank.          8
22. What is Central Bank? Discuss the traditional functions of RBI.                          2+6=8
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the question

1. Answer as directed:                        1x8=8
a)      Which is the first Development Bank established in India?
b)What is primary market?
c)In which year fourteen Indian commercial banks were nationalized?
d)What do you mean by scheduled bank?
e)Capital market is the market for long-term fund. (State whether True or False)
f)Write the full form of MMMF.
g)A collecting banker can claim statutory protection only in the case of ____ cheque. (Fill up the blank)
h)What is statutory liquidity ratio?
2. Name two departments of the Reserve Bank of India.                  2
3. What is the meaning of cash credit?                      2
4. State the ‘minimum reserve system’ of note issue.           2
5. Who can cross a cheque?               2
6. Define endorsement.                     2
7. State the meaning of Development Bank with example.                 3
8. Briefly explain the utility services rendered by the commercial banks.               3
9. Write a brief note on capital market.                    3
Write a short note on foreign exchange market.                  3
10. Draw specimen of a blank cheque.                                  3
11. State any three differences between bill of exchange and Promissory note.                 3
12. What are the objectives of IBRD (World Bank)?              5
13. Mention five advantages and disadvantages of Branch Banking System.           5
14. Discuss five features or characteristics of Indian money market.                       5
What are the differences between Money Market and Capital Market?                 5
15. Write about the five essential elements of valid endorsement.                          5
Explain briefly about different types of crossing with example.                               5
16. Examine the statutory protections provided to a collecting banker under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.  5
17. Discuss briefly about different types of loans and advances granted by a commercial bank.   5
18. Explain the functions of Stock Exchange. 5
19. Explain the traditional functions of the Reserve Bank of India.   8
State the meaning of cash reserve. Distinguish between Cash Balance and Cash Reserve.                        2+6=8
20. Discuss the principles followed by the commercial banks in investing its fund in securities.     8
21. Explain the role and functions of non-banking financial institutions.                  8
Discuss the role of the State Bank of India in Indian economy.                     8
22. What precautions should be taken by a banker while making payment of a cheque? Explain.                        
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the question

1. Answer as directed:                        1x8=8
      a)      In which year lead bank scheme was introduce?
      b)      What do you mean by unit banking?
      c)      Write the full form of NBFI?
      d)           What is secondary market?
      e)      The Word ‘hundi’ is borrowed from Sanskrit work which means to collect’.    Ans:- Hund   
      f)       Money market is the marker for short term fund? ( state whether true or false)    Ans:- True
g    g)      Asian development bank was established in 1956/1960/1966. ( Choose the correct answer)
      h)      RBI is the apex monetary institution of India.     (Fill in the blanks)
2. Name the two non-bank financial institution of India?       2
3. what is bank rate?                   2
4. What is mutual fund                           2
5. Name two submarkets of Indian money market.           2
6. Who is collecting banker?           2
7. Discuss the various agency services rendered by commercial bank.                         3
8. Write a brief note about the money market.                                3
9. What are the main objectives of IMF?                                             3
10. State any three differences between bill of exchange and cheque.               3
11. Draw a specimen copy of bill of exchange.                     3
      Give an account of the presidency bank of India?
12. Discuss the evolution and growth of commercial banking in India.                                5
      Explain briefly the system of issuing currency notes by the Reserve bank of India.
13. Discuss about the institution participating in the Indian money market.                       5
14. What are the main objectives of nationalisation of banks?                                              5
      What are the basic functions of state bank of India?
15. Explain the circumstances under which a bank can dishonour cheque.                          5
16. Discuss the objectives and functions of NABARD.                                           5    
17. Write short not about the social control of commercial bank.                     5
      Write short-note about Lender of last resort.
18. Give the meaning of liquidity. State the factors that affect, cash reserve of commercial bank. 1+4=5
      Mention six function of reserve bank of India. Explain any two function of R.B.I?   
19. Who is paying banker? Explain the protection available to paying banker.                        2+6=8         
20. Discuss the principles of sound investment policy of commercial bank.                     8
21. Show the difference between overdraft, cash credit and loan of commercial bank?                        8
      Define Negotiable instrument. Discuss the characteristics of the Negotiable instrument.
22. Give the meaning of development bank. Explain the characteristics or features of development bank. 2+6=8
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the question

1. Answer as directed:                        1x8=8
     a)      In which year first presidency bank was established?
     b)      What do you mean by private sector bank?
     c)      Give the meaning of bank rate.
     d)      Capital market is the market for long term market. (state whether True or False)   True
     e)      Write the full form of SIDC.
     f)       A collecting banker can claim statutory protection only in th4e case of cheque.
     g)      What is primary market?
     h)      IFCI was established in the year 1947/1948/1950.
2. Name two subsidiaries of state bank of India.                            2
3. who is paying banker?                                                                     2
4. What is post-dated cheque?                                                           2
5. Write the meaning of hypothecation.                  2
6. State the meaning of Liquidating.                         2
7. State any three differences between bill of exchange and promissory notes.       3
8. What are the basic features of development bank?                 3
9. Mention the difference kinds of endorsement.                      3
10. Draw a specimen copy of promissory note?                 3
11. explain the function of clearing house?                                  3
       Describe briefly any three kinds of endorsement?
12. Write a brief note about the imperial bank of India?                               5
13. Explain the function of stock exchange?                                                     5
14. What are the main objectives of World Bank (IBRD)?                              5       
      Give the meaning of crossing. Explain briefly about the different types of crossing with example.
15. Discuss the classification of bank.                                   5
16. Briefly explain the function of reserve bank of India as bankers’ bank.                             5   
17. What are the features of Non-bank financial institution?                          5
18. What are the privileges of a holder in due course?                                      5
19. Explain briefly about the growth of commercial banks in India during the post-independence period.                                                8
    Narrate the advantages and disadvantages of branch banking and unit banking?
20. Explain ay two credit control techniques adopted by the RBI?                                  8
21. Discuss the principle of sound lending policy of a bank?                2+6=8
      Who is collecting banker? Explain the duties of collecting banker.
22. What is capital market? Explain briefly the feature of capital market                             2+6=8

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the question

1. Answer as directed:                        1x8=8
    a)      In which year Punjab national bank was established?
    b)      What do you mean by Group Banking?
    c)      Write the full form of SIDBI?
    d)      Since Which year the RBI has been issuing notes based on minimum reserve system?
    e)      NSE was set up in the year 1992/1993/1994/1995.
    f)       Commercial banks are the main lenders in money market. 
   g)      A ‘not-negotiable’ crossing cheque can/ cannot be transferred.
    h)      Give an example of material alteration.
2. What is public sector bank?                                                    2
3. Mention two prohibitory function of RBI?                           2
4. State any two function of stock exchange.                           2
5. Who can cross a cheque?                                                         2
6. State the meaning of ‘Bank draft’.                                          2
7. What is ‘payment in due course’?                                          3
8. State any three differences between promissory note land cheques.              3
9. Write a note on ‘Scheduled bank.                                        3
10. What are the various submarket of money market?                3
11. What are the main functions of World Bank?        3
      Describe briefly about statutory liquidity ratio.
12. What are the main achievements of nationalisation of banks in India?                                  5
       Write a brief note o state bank of India
13. What are the different functions performed by RBI as a banker of government?                 5
14. Show the differences between capital markets any money market.                              5
       Mention five advantages of mutual funds.                         5
15. Discuss the advantages of internet banking?               5
16. Explain the position of collecting banker as holder for value.                         5
17. Distinguish between endorsement in lank and special endorsement?                            5
      Write a note on non banking financial institutions.                                      5
18. Discuss the objective and functions of LICI.                                   5
       Discuss the various sources o bank own fund.                      5
19. Discuss the general utility services rendered by commercial banks.                  8
       Write the distinction between RBI and commercial bank?
20. Discuss the circumstances under which the paying banker can refuse payment of customer cheque. 8
21. Discuss the principles followed by banks in granting loans and advances.            8
22. What are the different types of financial market? Write a brief note on foreign exchange market. 3+5=8
       What is development bank? Explain the function of development banks?                 2+6=8

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