A.R. Barton
Q.1. Where was it most likely that the two girls would find work after school?
Ans:- They were most likely to find work in a biscuit factory.
Q.2. what were the options that Sophie was dreaming of ?  Why does Janise discourage her from having such dreams?
Ans:- she was dreaming to buy a boutique. She also dreamt to be an actress or a fashion designer. She dreamt that to begin with, she could at least be a manager with some big company.
Q.3. why did Sophie wriggle when Geoff told her father that she had met Danny Casey?
Ans:- she  feared that her father would be very angry to hear this and would scold her for it. That was why she wriggled in fear.
Q. 4. Does Geoff believe what Sophie says about her meeting Danny Casey?
Ans:- no, he doesn’t believe her Sophie tells him.  He say ,”it’s the unlikeliest thing I ever heard.”
Q.5. Does her father believe her story?
Ans:- No, he doesn’t believe her story at all. He turns his head and looks at her in disdain. does Sophie include her brother Geoff in her fantasy of her future?
Ans:- She  makes up a story of how she had met Casey at the window of a shop and tells it to her brother. She also tells him that she had asked him for an autograph, and that how handsome and gentle he looked. Thus she tries to include her brother in her fantasy.
Q.7. which country did Danny Casey play for?
Ans:- He played for Ireland.
 Q.8. Why did not Sophie want Janise to know about her story with Danny?
Ans:- She feared that if Janise knew the story, the whole neighborhood  would  also come to know of it. Then thousands of people would flock to her house to know what the thing was all about. Her father could then be very angry with her and even murder her.
Q.9. Did Sophie really meet Danny Casey?
Ans:- No, she never met personally. 
Q.10. Which was the only occasion when she got to see Danny Casey in person?
Ans:- She saw him when she whet to see the match in Danny Casey was playing for the united.
Q.11. Sophie and Janise were classmates and friends. What were the differences between them that show up in the story?   
Ans:- Janise was a simple- hearted girl. She knew the limitations of her life and had no imaginary ambitions. Sophie, on the other hand, was a very ambitious girl. She forgot the reality of her life in her dreams of high life.
Q.12. How would you describe the character and temperament of Sophie’s father?
Ans:- Sophie’s father was a carefree person. He would go to the pub to enjoy himself. He did not worry much about his children. However, he was angry when he saw that Sophie was going to land herself in trouble because of her false dreams.

 Q.13. Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person? From her perspective, what did he symbolize?
Ans:- Sophie liked her brother because she thought he believed her and appreciated her ambitions. He was the only person with whom she shares her secrets. She was sure that he would never let her down.
Q.14. What socio- economic background did Sophie belong to? What are the indicators of her Family’s financial status?
Ans:- Sophie belonged to a lower middle- class family. They had a very small house. It looked very untidy everywhere. The mother had to do all the household work herself. We can say they were a poor family.
Q.15. Sophie’s dreams and disappointments are all in her mind. Discuss.
Ans:- Sophie was a young girls. She is yet at school. She belongs to a poor family. But she forgets the real facts of her life. She is ambitious from the very beginning. She has no money, yet thinks of buying a nice boutique after her school. She also plans to become an actress or a fashion designer. All such dreams are in Sophie’s mind only. There is no chance of their ever becoming a reality. So is the story of her disappointment in Danny Casey. She takes a chance meeting with him as the culmination of their romance. She keeps waiting for him when she knows that there is no possibility of his coming.
Q.1. What were Sophie’s plans after school?
Ans:- Sophie planned to have a notice boutique in the city. She wanted it to be the best in the city. But jansie said it would need a lot of money. At this, Sophie said that she would work as a manager until she saved enough money.
Q.2. What were the option that Sophie was dreaming of? Why does jansie discourage her from having such dream?
Ans:- She was dreaming of buying a boutique. She also dreamt to be an actress or a fashion designer. She dreamt that she could be a manager to begin with. But Jansie had her feet on the ground. She knew Sophie belonged to a poor family and all her plans were nothing but imaginary dreams.
Q.3. Where was it most likely that the two girls would find work after school?
Ans:- They were most likely to find work in a biscuit factory. They had already been earmarked for it. It was also possible that they could get work in school shop.
Q.4. Why did Sophie wriggle when Geoff told the father that she dad met Danny Casey?
Ans:- Sophie had great fear of her father. She knew he didn’t like her mixing with outsiders. When Geoff told him about her meeting with Danny, the father was very angry. He look at Sophie in disdain. It was fear that made Sophie wriggle.
Q.5. What shows that Sophie belonged to a poor family?
Ans:- First of all we learn it through jansie. She tells Sophie that it will take her long to save money for her boutique. Then the condition of Sophie’s house also indicated their poverty. It is a small and untidy house. Sophie’s brother is merely an apprentice mechanic.
Q.6. How does Sophie’s father react when he learns of Sophie’s meeting with Danny Casey? Does he believes her story?
Ans:- The father is very angry to learn that Sophie has met Danny. He doesn’t believe it to be true. But he express his displeasure by looking at her in disdain. later he says, “This is another of your wild stories.”
Q.7. What did Sophie imagine about her meeting with Danny Casey?
Ans:- Sophie imagines that she has met Danny Casey who was a very famous lrish league player. She imagines she met him at a shop, and the two had a lot of intimate talk. She even imagines that Danny had promised to meet her alone.
Q.8. How does Sophie include her brother Geoff in her fantasy of her future?
Ans:- Sophie is an ambitious and outgoing girl. In her fantasy, she imagines herself riding behind his brother on his bike. He is wearing new, shining leathers. She is wearing a yellow dress. Her cape is flying out behind. She even imagines people rising to greet them and applauding.
Q.9. What secret does Sophie tell her brother about her meeting with Danny Casey in the arcade?
Ans:- Sophie tell her brother that she had asked for an autograph from Danny Casey. But neither of them had any paper or a pen. So they just talked a bit. And just as he was leaving, he offered to meet her the coming week.
Q.10. How does the father react when Sophie says that Danny Casey is going to buy a shop?
Ans:- The father doesn’t believe a word of what Sophie says about Danny. When she says that Danny is going to buy a shop, the father says, “This is another of your wild stories.” He further adds, “one of these days you are going to talk yourself into a load of trouble.”
Q.11. Which was the only occasion when Sophie got to see Danny Casey in person?
Ans:- United was playing a match on Saturday. Sophie with her father and brother went to see the match. Sophie sat near the goal. She saw how Danny cored a brilliant goal for his team. It was the only occasion when she saw him in person.
Q.12. Why didn’t Sophie want jansie to know about her story with Danny?
Ans:- Sophie feared that if jansie knew the story, she would tell the whole neighborhoods. Then thousands of people would flock to her house. They would ask what the thing was all about. And when her father saw all this, he would be very angry. He could even murder her, she thought.
Q.13. Write a character-sketch of jansie?
Ans:- Jansie is a practical girl. She has no false dreams. She is quite wise and sensible. She gives Sophie a very sincere advice. Like a true friend, she promises to keep her meeting with Danny a secret, though she doesn’t quite believe it.
Q.14. Sophie and jansie were classmates and friends. What were the differences between them that show up in the story?
Ans:- Jansie was a down-to-earth girl. She had no false dreams. She knew her limitations and those of Sophie also. But Sophie was an ambitious girl. She lived in a world of dreams. She had plans that could never come true.
Q.15. Why was Sophie jealous of her brother’s silence?
Ans:- Sophie used to think that her brother had seen a lot of places while she had hardly seen any. But her brother would never talk to her freely about his outdoor exploits. That was why she felt jealous of his silence.
Q.16. Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person? From her perspective, what did he symbolize?
Ans:- Sophie liked her brother because she took him as a good friend. He was the only person with whom she shared her secrets. She was sure that he would never let her down. For her, he symbolized a good and dependable friend.
Q.17. How can you says that Sophie’s dreams and disappointments are all in her mind?
Ans:- Sophie is a young girl. She is yet at school. She belongs to a poor family. But she dreams of having the best boutique in the town. She forgets that she has no money for it. Then all her wild story about Danny Casey shows that her dreams and disappointments are all in her mind.
Q.18. “Damm that Geoff, this was a Geoff thing not a jansie thing.” Why did Sophie say so?
Ans:- Sophie had told her brother Geoff that she had met Danny Casey, the famous league player. Geoff talked of it to Frank who was jansie’s brother. And then jansie came to know of it from her brother. Sophie had meant it to be a secret between her and Geoff. She is angry when she comes to know that Jansie too had come to know of it. That is why she says, “Damm that Geoff, this was a Geoff thing not a Jansie thing.”
Q.1. What idea do you form of Sophie’s character from the story?
Ans:-  Sophie is a highly ambitious girl. She belongs to a poor family. she has no source of any money. Her friend Jansie tells her that it would take her a long time to save that much money. At this, Sophie says that she will become a manager to begin with. She never stops to think who will take her as a manager straight off. Then she says she will become an actress. There is a lot of money in it. she even thinks of becoming a fashion designer. All this shows what  a dreamy girl she is. She has her head in the skies.  And all this happens when her fantasy about Danny Casey breaks in the end.
Q.2. What idea do you form of Sophie’s friend, Jansie , from the story?
Q. How different is Jansie from Sophie?
Ans:- Jansie is Sophie’s classmate. They are friends. They go to school together. In a short while, they are going to leave school. Both of them have been earmarked for the biscuit factory. Janise is a practical girl. She has no false dreams. She tries to make Sophie give up her false ambitions. Sophie talks of her plan to buy a boutique. At this, Jansie says that it will take her long to save that much money. Sophie says she will become a manager to begin with. But Jansie knows that no one will take her as a manager off. Thus we see that there is a difference of poles between the two friends. Jansie knows that Sophie’s story about Danny Casey is also one of her dreams. When Sophie says that she met Danny.  Jansie says bluntly, “you never did.” She says that it is meant to be a secret. Then like a true friend, Jansie says,” you can trust me, soaf you know that.”
Q.3. how would you describe the character and temperament of Sophie’s father?
Q. Describe the character of Sophie’s father and the role played by him?
Ans:- Sophie’s father seems to be a careless and carefree person. He seems to belong to the labour class. He has only an old bicycle.  But he often goes to the pub to enjoy himself. He is fond of watching football matches also. He does not worry much about his children. His manner of eating the pie also shows that he has rough eating manners. However, he understands well the nature of his daughter, Sophie. He knows that she makes up wild stories to impress others. When he is told that Sophie has met Danny Casey, he looks at her in distain.
Q.4. what estimate do you form of Geoff’s character from story?
Ans:- Geoff is Sophie brother. He is the only one with whom Sophie seems to be intimate. But he does not take seriously. He does not believe many of the stories she tells him. When she tells him that she has met Danny Casey, he at once says,” it is never true.” However, he loves her as a sister. He talks her side when their father gets angry with her. Geoff does not talk much. He likes being with himself only. He does not talk to anyone about what he does or where he goes. We only know that he in an apprentice mechanic. He travels to his work each day to the far side of the city. Sophie feels jealous of her brother’s silence. She wants to talk to him and share her secrets with him. She also wants him to take her out on his motorcycle and show her the places she has never seen but Geoff never opens up to her.
Q.5. Sophie and Janise were classmate and friends. What were the differences between them that show up in the story?
Q. Jansie is just as old as Sophie but she is very different from her. Bring out the contrast between the two friends citing relevant instances from the story, ‘Going Places’.
Ans:- Sophie and Jansie are classmates and friends. But they are poles apart in their character and temperament. Both of them belong to poor families. But Sophie is very ambitious. She has no source of any money. But she plans to have the finest boutique in the city. At this, Sophie says she will become a manager to begin with. But she has no idea who will make her a manager straight off. On the other hand, Jansie is a very practical girl. She has her feet on the ground. He has no false ambitions. She has a straight ward girl. 
Q.6. Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person? From her perspective, what did he symbolize?
Ans:- Sophie sees in her brother a good friend. That is why she likes him more than any other person. She thinks she can share her secrets with him. She is also certain that he will never let her down. Geoff is the first person whom she tells the story of her meeting with Danny Casey. Geoff at once tells her, “It’s never true.” He knows Sophie is telling a wild story. But he takes her side when her father gets angry with her. Naturally, Sophie is very fond of her brother. She wants him to take her out with on his motorcycle. She wants to see places she has never seen before .these two things are in Sophie’s nature also. That is why she likes more than any other person.
Q.7. what socio-economic background did Sophie belong to? What are the indicators of her family’s financial status?
Ans:-  Sophie belongs to a lower middle-class family. We can say that they are a poor family. They live in a small house. It is smoky and untidy. There is a heap of dirty washing in a corner. They have no servant. The mother has to do all the household work. The father has only an old bicycle. He seems to be quite rough in his manners. He often goes to the pub. He does not seem to be much worried about his children. The son Geoff is three years out of school. Yet, he is only an apprentice mechanic. He travels daily to his work at the far end of the city. The daughter Sophie seems to be a good –for-nothing girl. She has not a penny but dreams of having the best boutique in the city. She has never met Danny, but dreams of remaining with him. All these are the indicators of the socio-economic background of Sophie’s family.

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