Q.1. You attended the Edufair 2011, organized by The Assam Tribune Pvt. Ltd in Guwahati in which some top colleges and universities of India participated and gave information about their Undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Write detailed account of the fair in 100-125 words. You are Parveen/Pravin    2012
You are eyewitness to a road accident in which a school boy was killed and many passengers were injured. As a press reporter of The Assam Tribune, write a report about the accident in 100-125 words. You are Anisha/Rahul.
Q.2. you have witnessed a train accident where the Delhi bound Guwahati express derailed. Write a report in 100-125 words to be published in an English daily of Guwahati. You are Arun/Anima.       2013
You are Priyam/Priya and you have visited your friend, who is staying in the school/college hostel. Write a factual description in 100-125 words including the facilities such as accommodation, food, entertainment, sports etc provided there.
Q.3. Write a report on road accident given imaginary details of the accident and the steps taken by the concerned authority towards medical relief to the accident victims.    2014
Q.4. Your school/College has recently celebrated ‘’Cleanliness Week’’, organizing a number of programs and competitions. Write a report in about 125 words to be published in a local newspaper.     2015
Q.5. You are eyewitness to a road accident in which a school boy was killed and many passengers were injured. As a press reporter of The Assam Tribune, write a report about the accident in 100-125 words. You are Nitu/Saurav.     2016
You attended the Edufair 2011, organized by The Assam Tribune Pvt. Ltd in Guwahati in which some top colleges and universities of India participated and gave information about their Undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Write detailed account of the fair in 100-125words. You are Parveen/Pravin   

Q.6. You are recently visited the flood affected areas in Dhemaji District. As a press reporter of English daily write a report on the flood situation in 100-125 words. You are Amar/Nitu.      2017
You are Gopal/Anita of Govt. higher Secondary School, Karimganj. Your school has organized a Blood Donation Camp. On the occasion of its Golden Jubilee Celebrations. Write a report in 100-125 words as an editor for your school magazine, on this widely acclaimed activity.

Q.7. You are Imran/Rita of sunrise Academy, Guwahati. Recently your school celebrated the world Environment Day. Giving details of the celebrations write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine.                   2018
You have witnessed a train accident where the Delhi bound Guwahati express derailed. Write a report in 100-125 words to be published in an English daily of Guwahati. You are Jayanta/Juri.    

Q.8. your school has recently celebrated “Tree Plantation Week” organizing a number of inter-school competitions highlighting the ecological balance. As the secretary of the Eco-club of your school, prepare a report in 100-125 words, suitable to be published in your school magazine. You are Nilim/Nilima.       2019
Your District Administration has celebrated Silpi Divas at the District Library auditorium recently. Prepare a report on it in 100-125 words to be published in “The Assam Tribune”.

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