Q.1. Who is the tiger? Why does he get that name?
Ans:-The maharaja of pratibandapuram has been called the tiger king. He gets that name as he kills ninety-nine tigers in order to evade his predicted death from a tiger.
Q.2. What did the royal infant grow up to be?
Ans:- The royal grew taller and stronger day by day. The boy drank the milk of an English cow. He was brought up by an English nurse. He was tutored in English by an Englishman. He saw nothing but English films. When he was twenty years old, he becomes the king of the state.
Q.3. What will the maharaja do to find the required number of tigers to kill?
Ans:- He would try to establish relations with a royal family that had a large number of tigers in its state. He would try to find such a girl and marry her. Then he would be free to hunt in the state of his father-in law.
Q.4. How will the maharaja prepare himself for the hundredth tiger which was supposed to decide his fate?
Ans:- The maharaja still remembered the astrologer’s words. So he had to be extremely careful with the hundredth tiger. He thought to himself,” the tiger is a save beast. One has to be wary of it.” however, he was determined to seek the hundred tiger and kill it. And after that, he could give up tiger hunting altogether.
Q.5. What will now happen to the astrologer? Do you think prophecy was indisputably proved?
Ans:- The astrologer had warned the maharaja to be careful about the hundred tiger. “What if the hundred tiger were also killed?” the maharaja had said. At this, the astrologer’s reply was: “then I will tear up all my books on astrology and set fire to them. I shall cut off my tuft, crop my hair short and become an insurance agent.” But I don’t think such a thing would happen because the old astrologer must be dead already. Also, I don’t think the prophecy was proved indisputably true because it was not the hundredth that killed the maharaja. We can only say that the maharaja was killed because of the hundredth tiger. Without ascertaining that the tiger was actually killed, he left the forest and started celebrating his success.
Q.6. The story is a satire on the conceit of those in power. How does the author employ the literary device of dramatic irony in the story?
Ans:- The story in indeed a satire on the conceit of those in power. The tiger king has been used as the symbol of this conceit. The astrologers tell him that his death will come a tiger. After the king has killed a tiger, he is filled with conceit. He calls the state astrologer and says proudly, “what do you say now?” The astrologer says humbly,” your majesty may kill ninety nine tigers in the same manner, but you must be very careful with the hundredth tiger.” So he starts hunting tigers to achieve his goal. After the hundredth has been killed, he feels that he has no fear of any tiger now. But ironically, his death comes soon after from a tiger only. And it comes not from a real tiger, but from the device of dramatic irony.
 Q.7. What is the author’s indirect comment on subjecting innocent animals to the willfulness of human beings?
Ans:- The author brings out the cruelty and heartlessness of human beings towards innocent animals. The behavior of the tiger king is an indirect comment on this cruelty and heartlessness. The astrologers had only predicted that the king’s death will come from a tiger. Instead of keeping himself safe and away from tigers, the king chooses to go hunting and kill the tigers in his kingdom. He kills so many that no tigers are left in the forests of his kingdom. He kill the so many that no tigers are left in the forests of his kingdom. Now he marries a girl from a royal family. His sole purpose is to kill the tigers in his father-in-law’s kingdom. He kills all the tigers there also. At last, the Dewan has to arrange an old tigers for the king to hunt. The old tiger stands humbly before the king, yet the king shows no pity. He takes a careful aim and fires. Thus the author exposes the folly, cruelty and heartlessness of human beings with regard to their behavior towards innocent animals. And then there is the case of the British officer also. He wants to have a tiger killed simply because he wants himself photographed holding the gun and standing over the dead tiger.
Q.8. Can you relate instances of game-hunting among the rich and the powerful in the present times that illustrate the callousness of human beings towards wildlife?
Ans:- There have been a number of instances of game-hunting among the rich and the powerful in recent times. There were reports about a known film actor hunting a deer of the protected species. Then there were reports of a former nawab having indulged in illegal game-hunting. In spite of the fact that the government has banned game –hunting all over the country, such reports keep pouring in.
Q.9. We  need a new system for the age of ecology- a system which is embedded in the care of all people and also in the care of the earth and all life upon it. Discuss.
Ans:- knowledge of ecology is probably more important today than at any other time. Ecology is concerned with the way living things share the earth we live on. Under normal conditions, the3 living things of any community go through a cycle of birth, reproduction, eating and being eaten. This cycle is called ‘the balance of nature’. It keeps communities fairly stable. When this balance is disturbed due to the immense increase or decreases of a species, starvation or disease sets in. this is what is happening in the present-day world. Human population has increased so much that our natural resources, our fore4st wealth and our wildlife are depleting very fast. Global warming has become the biggest threat for all life on this earth. Therefore, it is need of the hour to evolve a new system which can take care of all people and also all life on this earth.
Q.1. What did the astrologers foretell as soon as the tiger king was born?
Ans:- They foretold that child would grow up to become the warrior of warriors. He will be the hero of heroes, and champion. But they added that one day the tiger king would actually have to die.
 Q.2. What were the astrologers forced to do and why?
Ans:- As soon as the tiger was born, the astrologers foretold that one day he would actually have to die. They were compelled to explain what they meant by their forecast. Then they said,” the child born under this star will one day have to meet earth.”
Q.3  What  did the chief astrologer say about the manner of the tiger king’s death?
Ans:- The chief astrologer said that the prince was born in the hour of the bull. The bull and the tiger are enemies. Therefore, the prince’s death will come from a tiger.
Q.4. How did the crown prince Jung Bahadur reacts when he heard the chief astrologer’s prediction?
 Ans:-The chief astrologer had said that the prince’s death would come from a tiger. Hearing this, the prince was not afraid at all. Rather he gave a deep growl and said in terrifying words, “Let tigers beware”
Q.5. How was the crown prince Jung Bahadur brought up?
Ans:- The crown prince was brought up like the crown prince of any other Indian state. He was brought up by an English nanny. He drank the milk of an English cow. He was taught English by an Englishman. He saw nothing but English films.
Q.6. How did the tiger king celebrate the killing of the hundredth tiger?
Ans:- There were great celebrations when the hundredth tiger was killed. The dead body of the tiger was taken in procession through the town. Then the tiger was buried and a tomb was raised over it.
Q.7. What did the chief astrologer predict about the tiger king?
Ans:- The chief astrologer prediction about the tiger king that his death would come from a tiger. So astrologer had warned the maharaja to be careful about the hundredth tiger. And the maharaja was not careful. The hundredth tiger happened to be an old tiger. The old tiger fell in a heap. Without caring whether the tiger had actually been killed or not, he left the place in great joy. He gave orders to bring the tiger to the capital in a grand procession. After the maharaja had left, the hunters  found that the tiger was not dead. The hundredth tiger becomes the cause of the maharaja’s death.
Q.8. What explanation was given by the chief astrologer to the query of the little tiger king?
  Ans:- same above q. no. 7
Q.9. What did the maharaja decide to do when he remembered the astrologer’s prediction?
Ans:-   When maharaja remembered the astrologer’s prediction he decided to kills tiger because his death would come from a tiger. He thought of an old saving. “You may kill even a cow in self-defense.” So the maharaja saw nothing wrong in killing tigers in self-defense.
Q.10. How did the tiger acquire his name?
Ans:- The maharaja of pratibandapuram has been called the tiger king. The chief astrologer
Had said that his death would his death come the hundredth tiger he would hunt. With an aim to kill a hundred tigers, the maharaja started hunting tigers one after the other. Thus he came to be called the
tiger king.
Q.11. Why did a British officer visit Pratibandapuram?
Ans:-The British officer visited Pratibandapuram because he was very fond of hunting tigers. But more than that, he wanted to be photographed with the tigers he had shot.
Q.12. How did the British maharaja stand in danger of losing his kingdom?
Why do you think was the maharaja in danger of losing his throne?
Ans:- A high-ranking British officers came to the state. He wanted to hunt tigers there. He
Loved to be photographed with the tigers he had shot. But the maharaja firmly refused any such permission. Thus there could be a danger of his losing the kingdom.
Q.13. What was the Dewan’s tiger like?  How did he take it into the forest?
Ans:- Dewan’s tiger was a an old tiger. It had been brought from the people’s park in madras. The Dewan took the tiger into the forest. He loaded it in his car and left it where the maharaja was hunting.
Q.14. Why did the Dewan decide to give up his own tiger to be killed by the maharaja
Ans:- The maharaja was in great fury when he failed to find the hundredth tiger. Many officers had to lose their job. The maharaja asked the Dewan also to resign. In order to save his job, the Dewan decided to arrange a tiger of his own and give it up for the maharaja.
Q.15. What happened to the tiger provided by the Dewan?
Ans:- The tiger provided by the Dewan was very old. It stood before the maharaja in humble Submission. With boundless joy, the maharaja took aim and fired. The old tiger fell in a heap. The mahar4aja shouted that he had fulfilled his vow. He gave orders to bring the tiger to the capital in a grand procession. Then he hurried away in his car.    
Q.1. Draw a character sketch of the tiger king.
Ans:- The maharaja of pratibandapuram, known as the tiger king, is an inttlige4nt and determined person. His intelligent questions, when he is just an infant to ten days, come as a miracle to the astrologer’s.  When he grows up, he takes a vow to skill hundred tigers to escape from the predicted death from a tiger. He is a ruthless person. In order to save himself, he starts on a massive tiger hunt. He kills ninety-nine tigers, and almost wipes out the whole tiger population in the forests of his kingdom and the nearby area. He is moody and whi8msical. At one time, he needs one more tiger to kill to fulfill his vow. When some villagers come to tell him about a tiger, he gets elated. He announces a three- year exemption from all taxes for their village. When he finds no tiger, he becomes furious. He asks his Dewan to double the land tax forthwith. He is quite tactful. He refuses permission for the tiger hunt to British officer. In order tom save his throne from the possible risk, he sends expensive diamond rings to the officer’s wife. He does not insist on doubling the land tax when the dewan tells him that it may make their state a prey to the Indian national congress. But in spite of his cleverness and tactfulness, he fails to evade his death. He falls a prey not to a real, ferocious tiger but to a tiny, wooden toy- tiger.

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